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Donations: The Process
Donate Online
Online donations are made through PayPal®. The PayPal® platform accepts credit card donations in a secure manner. Review the various Individual, Ministry, or Project funds you can designate, then click the Donate Online button to being the process. Your donation can typically be made in less than one minute and you’ll also have the option of setting up a recurring payment, so your commitment to the ministry can take place monthly in a convenient, automatic way. A PayPal® account is not required to use the secure service.
If you require or would prefer a receipt for your donation, please select the box on the donation page to share your mailing address with Reaching a Generation.
Individual, Ministry, & Project Funds

Hannah Capps
Hannah works in South Africa with Reaching a Generation as a photojournalist. Her skills in photography/ videography and writing help to document the initiatives in South Africa and Zambia - using these tools they are able to grow their market of support to help change the lives of children and youth in Africa!

Hope Ride
Hope Ride is a multi-day, multi-hundred-mile bicycle epic that travels through four nations to help raise funds in the support of missionary and humanitarian efforts in west Zambia. Hope Ride Funding provides daily meals to children who travel in from the villages to attend a school during the week.

Africa Cares For Life
ACfL beginning from a few contacts in the late 1990's and officially launched in 2000, we have grown to over 75 contacts. Africa Cares is a networking agency that provides services to pregnancy help centers across southern Africa.

RAG South Africa
RaG-ZA manages projects across southern Africa to provide hope for needy children and their families. Programs range from the development of values-based school curriculum, school feeding stations, teen-leadership camps, and water well drilling in remote villages.

RAG Water Project
Reaching a Generation provides fresh water for impoverished villages in Zambia. These donations will provide the specialized vehicles, drilling equipment, well heads and pumps for remote villages deep in the bush.

Imagine Hope Centers
Young girls from impoverished villages in western Zambia move into Imagine Hope Centers and overseen by a Godly house mother while they learn valuable trades, life skills and study the Bible and complete their High School education.

Zambia Children's Ministry
Reaching a Generation is providing children's ministries in the villages along the Zambezi river. Basic needs and good nutrition can be a challenge to meet for most families in Western Zambia.
Stock Donations
Want to donate stock? Let us Know!
For example, when you donate stock that has grown in value since you bought it, no state or federal capital gains tax are assessed. Depending on your tax bracket, this means you may be able to provide an additional 28% or more to the ministry.
You may also be able to take a tax deduction for the amount of the donation. These tax advantages may only apply if you have owned the donated stock for more than 12 months. Consult your accountant or broker to fully understand the tax implications of a stock donation.
If you want to take advantage of the favorable aspects of stock donation to Reaching a Generation, Contact us to discuss your options.
By Mail

Send your check or money order made payable to "Reaching a Generation USA" to:
Reaching a Generation USA
2474 Walnut Street, PMB226
Cary, NC 27518