Our Tools

South Africa

Reaching a Generation South Africa
Community Wide Outreach
Through the Community Wide Outreach program children are being evangelized, educators are being mentored and leaders are being developed. We are planning on reaching 900,000 children in the next season through this endeavor.
The International Leadership Academy
In the next season we would like to continue to grow the impact of the program in South Africa by establishing an Academy in each of the 9 provinces. Directors from India, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, USA, and many other countries have been trained and have begun the process of launching the program in their community.
Centreshot Minstry
We envision growing Centreshot by establishing coordinators in each of our 9 provinces, as well continuing to establish closer relationships between NASP (National Archery in Schools Program) and Centreshot within schools in the country. We have begun the process of establishing Centreshot in Botswana and Nambia and foresee it growing rapidly in the next season.
School In A Box
School in a Box develops and provides quality educational resources to connect, equip and empower learners in Africa to reach their full potential. It is a tablet-based learning system that helps students and teachers. With the development of additional curriculum for the licensed platform, Reaching a Generation is on a journey with students as they grow not only in academics, but also in their Spiritual life!
Africa Cares for Life
This is a network of life-affirming pregnancy help and community organizations in South Africa. Their vision is to establish a healthy pregnancy help organization in every city and town in South Africa and to support and provide emotional help and practical assistance to families impacted by an unplanned pregnancy and provide a safe place to land.

After hours of bartering at the border and countless prayers you find yourself driving on the other side of the Zambezi River with a vehicle full of supplies destined for this very thirsty land. A land in need of Christ and a place that seems to be deprived of social justice. A sign appears, “Welcome to the real Africa!” We have been traveling to this land now for the past 9 years and slowly as we have settled in, we find this becoming a home to ministry to children in a new way each month, week and at times even daily.
Our Zambia ministry has seen huge strides in the past few years. We have been able to move our new well drilling rig to many sites and have drilled over 210 bore holes and equipped them with hand pumps in the villages. We are seeing thousands of children being discipled each week, either through our team’s efforts in children’s churches on the banks of the Zambezi River, through the ones we have helped start next to the main road, or through those leaders we have trained in the past few months, to become children’s pastors.
Islands Of Hope Children’s Churches
Our children’s churches meet every week and offer an opportunity for the kids to learn the Word of God, pray, learn life lessons and the values of financial stewardship. They have the opportunity to earn ‘coins’ for attendance and participation and once a month can make purchases in the Zambezi Kid’s Shop which is stocked with clothes, soap, hygiene items and more.
Living Water Wells
We have seen more than 210 water wells dug in communities all around the Sioma District of Western Zambia. Our new drill rig can reach far into the bush where there is great need. Each well can serve an average of 100 people – depending on the size of the village – so that is over 200,000 lives impacted with access to clean, fresh water. Being allowed to build a water well in a village, allows the RaG team to have an open door to speak of The Living Water! Each year we host teams that travel from around the globe to come help build water wells for people in need.
Sustainable Food
Currently we are feeding over 2,000 children with five meals a week during the school year. We minister in 13 different schools and each of these schools has started a garden. Water wells have been drilled in each of these communities. These wells and gardens will provide additional food for the feeding programmes. Internships offered through OneHope are starting Foundations for Farming classes within the schools, which will help students learn to be self-sufficient in growing their own food.

Create Hope Skills Training Center
Due to the dire physical needs of our local volunteers in Zambia, we have endeavored to up-skill them through trades trainings. We have developed a venue to train these women in a trade that they can use to generate an income, in order to support their families and escape the poverty trap of the Western Province.
In our new Create Hope Skills Training Center, we are training our volunteers in areas like sewing, baking, leather working and carpentry. They will work to make products (e.g. table cloths, leather products, small wooden goods, jewelry, etc.) that they can then sell back to Reaching a Generation, to use in Curio Shops, our Zambezi Kids Shop and through our partners globally at ministry conferences.
When you buy a Create Hope product, you are purchasing the hope for a future for HER! Each item handcrafted by our ministry volunteers and every sale enables these women to continue to minister to children in their communities, while supplying basic needs for their own families.